About Us

InstaPharm is created by pharmacists!

InstaPharm is dedicated to ushering a new era of opportunity to pharmacy professionals for the provision of Patient Care. Our platforms provide the freedom for professionals to practice when and where they choose, and in turn, pharmacies are provided with exceptional patient care.

InstaPharm is designed by pharmacists, with advancing the pharmacy profession in mind, and strives to be a national leader in making available quality services. Furthermore, the company takes pride in advocating the value of these Pharmacy Services.

InstaPharm is unique from other agencies in that it acts as a central hub for professionals to connect, find rewarding careers, and work independently while having access to valuable resources. Members also have access to our forums section to discuss and deliberate a wide variety of topics. All services are provided in an effort to move the profession towards independence. We set standards for the quality of pharmacy services provided and compensation offered by pharmacies.

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